Hello Clairemont Friends, Neighbors and Classmates!
Having children attend a neighborhood school has some great perks: we carpool,our kids walk and bike to school together, we call each other if we are going to be late, we have options, but see the importance of making our community stronger by staying in our cluster schools and we keep our home values up as we improve our schools.  Neighborhood schools can be a powerful component of a community!

This year we look forward to using the observatory at Clairemont High, participating in the Trimathlon at Marston Middle, and attending a wide variety of fun activities at each of the elementary schools.  Let us know what is going on at your school so we can share with the whole cluster!

We are thrilled and excited to extend a hearty welcome to Dr. Jennifer Roberson, the new principal at Clairemont High School.  Dr. Roberson will be in attendance at our September gathering, so stop by to say “Hi!”.  Check out her letter of introduction on the cluster website!

Please join us at our first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 19th at 5:30pm in the Marston Middle School library.  We are working on refreshments and agenda will include:1) What is cluster work?  How can I help?  What does it mean to me and my children’s school?2) Introduction of Dr. Jennifer Roberson, new principal at Clairemont High School.

  • Vision for Clairemont High School
  • Achieve UC at CHS.  Partnership with UCSD to build upon    campus efforts already underway to improve college awareness, readiness and access.

Be sure to visit the cluster website for all the latest news and upcoming events. To keep up to date on what is happening in the cluster, please sign up for the cluster eBlast by emailing Julee Jenkins (julee.jenkins@gmail.com).

Feel free to let me know if you have questions and I hope to see you September 19th!
Julee Jenkins
Clairemont Community of Schools
Clairemont High ~ Marston Middle ~ Alcott ~ Bay Park ~ Cadman ~ Holmes ~ Longfellow ~ Toler

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