BPE outdoor movie night needs volunteers!
Please volunteer to help us with set up, running the food stands and cleanup after the movie ends.
Contact erinopper@gmail.com with questions
Set up volunteers – 3:40 -4:40pm (10 volunteers)
-set up tables & pop ups
-set up popcorn machines
-get the popcorn machines warmed up with a batch or two
-prep hotdogs
-set up trash/recycling cans
-set up baskets for opportunity drawing
Popcorn Machine volunteers for two machines: (4 volunteers per shift)
-shift 4:45-6pm
-shift: 6-7pm
-shift: 7-8:30pm
Hot dog booth
-shift 4:45-6pm – 4 volunteers
-shift: 6-7pm – 4 volunteers
-shift: 7-8:30pm – 2 volunteers
Pizza/Drinks booth
-shift 4:45-6pm – 4 volunteers
-shift: 6-7pm – 4 volunteers
-shift: 7-8:30pm – 2 volunteers
Coffee/Churros booth
-shift 4:45-6pm – 2 volunteers
-shift: 6-7pm – 2 volunteers
-shift: 7-8:30pm – 2 volunteers
Opportunity Basket Tickets
(2 volunteers at Denver entrance and 2 volunteers at Erie entrance by library)
Pass out tickets as people enter
5-6pm – 2 volunteers (erie)
5-6pm – 2 volunteers (denver)
Breakdown/Cleanup volunteers after the movie ends.
(10 volunteers)
– empty trash bins into dumpsters on Erie street. Stack bins near lunch arbor
– bag up recyclables for recycling coordinator
– break down popcorn machines
– break down hotdog warmer
– break down tables & pop ups
– sweep up