Let’s get a fresh new start next year!!
After a very unusual COVID school year, we all want to get back to normal.
We need YOU to join the PTA and give our kids a new exciting year.
Here’s the deal . . . The PTA requires three key positions:
– President– Oversees and coordinates the work of the Executive Board
– Treasurer – This position helps to keep permanent books of account and records, prepare all authorizations for payment, manage the PTA budget, provide monthly financial reports for the PTA Board and Association, and fill out all required documents for the PTA council, state, insurance and taxes.
– Secretary– Takes minutes at board and association meetings and co-signs official documents with the President.
Without these positions in place, the PTA cannot operate!
No experience necessary!
New onboarding program for an easy transition!
Other positions available: Executive Vice President, Auditor, VP of Membership, VP of Hospitality, VP of Correspondence, VP of Programs, Events & Assemblies, Parliamentarian, Historian, Teacher Representative
If you are interested in being part of the PTA or have further questions, please email the Nomination Committee Chairs: Kristin Luck-Slay (klucke13@gmail.com) or Nina Green (sdsudreamer@aol.com).
To nominate yourself or someone for the position, fill out this Google Form:
The PTA Association Election meeting is being held on 3/3/2021 at 6:00pm on Zoom. An open discussion about each interested person will be on the agenda with the entire Association voting and electing the Nominating Committee chair and members before the meeting adjourns.