The Bay Park Elementary PTA is a group of over 200 members who are dedicated to making Bay Park “More than Just an Education.” We build community, fund programs that otherwise our students would not have, provide experiences outside of the classroom to enrich the academic lives of all students and work tirelessly to raise funds for the school. We would love for you to join us this ’15-’16 school year. Without your help, we would be just another school in the public school system, no different … no worse … but definitely no better.
Make the pledge to join PTA and become an active participant in your student’s school career at Bay Park.
Some other reasons to join PTA from the National PTA at
PTAs Benefit Everyone
PTA addresses issues that are important to parents and public school administrators. We fight for full funding, quality teachers, and capabilities for schools to thrive. If your school or district does not have a PTA, now is the time. Membership is open to everyone. Your PTA is autonomous but supported by a national structure. It sets its own dues.
Some of PTA’s Benefits.
- PTA organizes hard-working, dedicated volunteers. Parents are ready to help implement school improvement programs.
- . PTAs frequently coordinate production of a school newsletter and information fliers, keeping the entire school community informed of current events, issues, and accomplishments. Regular meetings allow PTAs to share information with members.
- . More than 85 research studies conducted over the past 30 years prove that kids do better when parents are involved. Grades are higher. Test scores improve. Attendance increases.
- Local PTAs are self-funding. By inviting the entire school’s parent community to join, they generate membership fees to pay for programs. Local PTA fundraisers support school programs, building improvements, and educational events.
- Local PTAs have access to ready-made, easy-to-use programs with proven success records. From health and safety topics, to collaborating with teachers and community members, to fundraising, the programs get results.
- PTAs focus on what students need to be successful in their learning, including nutrition, health, school safety, physical fitness and general well-being. PTA works with schools to ensure that children succeed.
- Involved parents understand the challenges schools face and become part of the solution. By developing a closer relationship with parents, student achievement improves, and the school develops a positive reputation in the community.
- Finally, PTAs can help schools fulfill the parent involvement requirement of the No Child Left Behind Act. PTA understands the needs behind NCLB. In fact, it’s PTA’s definition of parent involvement that is used in NCLB.
Visit here to start your membership.